Dr. George Salem & Associates, PC of Braintree Blog

Are You Keeping Good Oral Hygiene Habits?

June 21, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — georgesalem @ 7:11 pm

Do you practice good oral hygiene habits? Are you really sure of what they should be?

Our Braintree, MA dentists Dr. George Salem and Associates, teach their patients the right ways to care for their teeth and gums. After all, your smile affects your personal appearance, self-esteem, oral function and your systemic health, too. Preserving all of these is what preventive dentistry is all about.


Say Goodbye to Your Dental Stains

April 17, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — georgesalem @ 2:10 pm

When you have stains on your teeth, teeth whitening in Braintree, Massachusetts from Dr. Georgeteeth whitening Salem and Associates can solve your problem. Our teeth rarely stay as white as we would like them too. However, with the help of this in-office teeth whitening procedure, you can get a brighter smile in a safe way. This cost-effective procedure offers dramatic results in just one visit.


Dental Services To Improve Your Smile

February 17, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — georgesalem @ 11:44 am

There are many ways our dental treatments can improve the look of your smile.

Is a smile one of the first features you notice about someone? If so, how does your smile measure up? Is it one that someone would find attractive, or would imperfections leave something to be desired? If it’s the latter, it’s okay. That’s where our Braintree, MA dentists come in to provide improvements to your smile with these cosmetic procedures:


Symptoms of Oral Cancer

January 13, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — georgesalem @ 2:17 pm

Find out whether the changes you are experiencing could be warning you of oral cancer.


The Parts of a Dental Implant

November 2, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — georgesalem @ 3:42 pm

Discover more about dental implants and how they work to replace your missing tooth.


Don’t Ignore These Signs Of Gum Disease

August 29, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — georgesalem @ 12:08 pm

Gum disease is a dental ailment that affects almost half of all Americans to some degree. Lack of regular dental care and failure to keep appointments with the dentist make a patient more susceptible to this condition. It’s important that you don’t ignore the signs of gum disease—immediate periodontal treatment by a Braintree, MA dentist at Dr. George Salem and Associates, PC is crucial to saving your teeth.


Signs You May Need Orthodontic Treatment

July 5, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — georgesalem @ 2:14 pm

Could braces give you the smile you need? Find out now! When it comes to your children you want them to have the best smile they possibly can.


Improve Your Smile With Teeth Whitening

April 22, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — georgesalem @ 1:12 pm

Teeth Whitening Can Improve Your Smile

What you need to know about teeth whitening treatments


Can Invisalign Correct My Smile?

February 15, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — georgesalem @ 6:42 pm

For many people, getting braces is a right of passage endured and mercifully left behind in the early adolescent years, along with quasi-invisalignexistential angst and questionable hair and wardrobe experiments. Unfortunately, dental needs and realities can change, and the need for straight, adequately aligned teeth does not necessarily get resolved in the junior high years. Simply put, sometimes grownups need braces. Unfortunately, a mouth full of metal does not look nearly as adorable at a board meeting, or on a first date with a potential new love interest or possible life partner, as it does in an old yearbook picture.


The Long Term Benefits of Dental Implants

January 26, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — georgesalem @ 3:41 pm

If you are missing one or several teeth, you are probably looking into long-term options to alleviate this condition.

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